Installer BootStrap Studio

  • Télécharger bootstrap.appimage sur
  • Assurez-vous d’avoir déinstallé les anciennes version de Bootstrap Studio avant d’installer la nouvelle.
  • To run the application, make the AppImage executable with the chmod +x command and double click it.
    Ubuntu 22.04 users: There is a known problem with AppImages not working on this version of Ubuntu. Run the command sudo apt install libfuse2 to fix.
  • If you wish to create a launcher icon and associate the app with .bsdesign files, download this script and run it like so:bash
  • What’s new in 6.5.1
  • The Bootstrap framework was updated to 5.3.2
  • The Google Fonts integration was updated with the latest families.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented classes and ids from being created in the Appearance panel.