>>>> https://wiki.debian.org/fr/NetworkConfiguration
—– Solution / Exemple : Fichier de SYLVIE ———–
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# desactiver le wifi – wlan
iface wlan0 inet manual
# ethernet
auto eth0
——— Tant que pas OK ————–
$ sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces
$ sudo service network-manager restart
Extrait des blogs parcourus pour élaborer la solution :
Add the following line to /etc/network/interfaces:
iface wlan0 inet manual
NetworManager don’t manage interfaces configured in the interfaces file. Replace wlan0 with the interface you want to disable, if it’s not the name of the built-in interface.
Then restart network manager
sudo service network-manager restart
I think the most easy way to do this is with ifconfig.
run : ifconfig
then look at which adapter you want to turn off, in my case wlan1 is my internal wifi and wlan2 is my usb wifi. Then run : sudo ifconfig wlan1 down
and it will turn of (type ifconfig to check, note that in the network manager the adapter still shows, but it is turned of). To turn it on again: sudo ifconfig wlan1 up
and that’s it.
Method #1 – from NetworkManager’s Applet
Try disabling the wireless networking under the Network Applet that’s accessible from under the icons in the upper right of your desktop.
NOTE: The networking applet’s icon looks like a triangle wedge. The image above is pointing to is as arrow #1. If you click it you should see a menu slide out from where you can disable wireless permanently, arrow #2.
Method #2 – /etc/network/interfaces <<<
From the file /etc/network/interfaces you can specify that NetworkManager shouldn’t control the wlan0 interface. To do so simply add this line to the above mentioned file: iface wlan0 inet manual
Then restart NetworkManager: $ sudo service network-manager restart