Installer un VPN et FireWall gratuit sous Linux : Windscribe

1. Get a Windscribe Account

Create a free account if you don’t have one already.

2. Install dirmngr and apt-transport-https if not already installed

apt-get install dirmngr apt-transport-https

3. Add the Windscribe signing key to apt as root

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key FDC247B7

4. Add the repository to your sources.list

sh -c "echo 'deb buster main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/windscribe-repo.list"

5. Run apt-get update

apt-get update

6. Install windscribe-cli

apt-get install windscribe-cli

7. Switch to non-root user


8. Login to Windscribe

windscribe login

9. Connect to Windscribe

windscribe connect

Need help?

windscribe --help