Doc Linux – Autres sites

1. Unix Tool Box: An incredibly exhaustive reference for all things Linux. This document is a collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users.

2. One page Linux Manual: Great one page reference to the most popular Linux commands, it is a summary of useful Linux commands.

3. Linux Reference Card: One great reference published by FOSSwire.

4. Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet: This is an interestingly sorted and helpful cheat sheet by cheatography.

5. Linux Command Line Tips: This is a linux command line reference for common operations. Cleanly sorted and well described.

6. Treebeard’s Unix Cheat Sheet: A great reference that shows command comparisons with that of DOS. So if you are someone who was a DOS user and has switched to Linux, this is the best one too have!

7. Linux Shortcuts and Commands: This is a practical selection of the commands we use most often.  Trucs et astuces : bien fait !!!